Office space for rent: Tongerlodorp 36, Westerlo

Tongerlodorp 36

0/5 (0)
On private property or garage


25m2 - 75m2

Available surface

Meeting rooms available

Multiple rentable meeting rooms

24/7 access

24-hour access to offices

Fibre internet

Super fast fibre optic internet

Flexible monthly upscaling

Scale-up as your business grows


Personalized advice
Personalized advice
Our office specialists will help you find your perfect office.
Totally free search
Free of charge
We do not charge for our help and advice. You only pay the price of your new office.
Easy and quick
Easy and quick
Don't lose time: We can schedule and do viewings the same day!

About the office space on Tongerlodorp 36

Are you looking for office space in Westerlo? These office spaces of 25m² can be rented separately or together. The all-in rental concept offers the tenant free maintenance, electricity, heating, water, cleaning service and an administrative employee. In addition, there is a burglar and smoke protection.

Location and accessibility

51.1077073, 4.9148546
On private property or garage
Free in the area

Tongerlodorp 36 2260 Westerlo

About the area

This office space in Westerlo is a stone's throw from the E313 towards Antwerp and Hasselt. In the immediate vicinity you will find several other companies.

Thorin Goezinne
Office advisor
"Because of our wide range of office space, we can give good insight into the office that suits you."


Wheelchair accessibility
Pets allowed
Cleaning service
Climate control system
Pantry / Kitchen
Lunch facilities
Storage space

What tenants and visitors say about this office

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